If you were sent here by a friend in Helix Life, enjoy the site, but please go to his or her site to order the product or join the business.

Dr Koch Short…”This stem cell product is as good as …. …. ………. in terms of bottom line performance”.  (Part of quote redacted to protect the innocent.)


Welcome to Stem4Stem


We are independent promoters for Helix Life and put this site together to share the experiences of individuals that have tried the Helix products.

We Believe in Wellness

Since the 80’s we have been involved in the wellness community.

Herbal remedies, homeopathy, energy medicine have been a way of life for us. Each of these have provided healthful and at times almost miraculous results.

What we have seen with the Helix Life Stem™ has been incredible. It has helped people with pain, sleep issues, depression, and more. For me personally, the most impressive thing is that the neuropathy in my leg is 80% gone. No one told me that that could happen. I am using both the Stem and HG Gel.

The truth of the matter is that we are just getting started and we are looking forward to seeing what amazing things will happen.

-Steven and Annette Glenn

We are thankful to have earned the Go All-Star award from Helix Life for sales during our first two weeks. This award program has transitioned to the Go Pro Award, and offers new promoters the opportunity to earn bonuses during the first 14 days. Contact us for more details!

Helix Life Products

Helix STEM™

Helix Gel

Allure™ Skin Care System

Helix EnerChi™

Helix KeTO™

Helix Energizer™ Water

Ready To Get Started?