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Helix STEM™

…”This stem cell product is as good as …. …. ………. in terms of bottom line performance”.  (Part of quote redacted to protect the innocent.)

-Dr. Koch

Helix STEM™

Helix Stem™ is an extract of avian fertilized eggs taken at precisely at the 9th day of development, freeze-dried and then encapsulated for maximum potency.

The unique combination of Fibroblast Growth Factors and proteins have a body of research that suggest this amazing whole food may help with everything from weight reduction, to rebuilding cells all throughout the human body, from heart to brain, from muscle tissue to skin. Studies have shown this extract may decrease depression, increase serotonin levels, decrease cortisol, improve endurance and balance sex Hormones.

Helix STEM™ – Informational Videos (short)

NeckPainEnergy          1:31

Back and neck pain went away, has more energy

HowOfStem          3:55

Dr Koch gives an overview of Stem.

Seems to work as well as …

5AutoImmune         1.5 min

Autoimmune Sick 15 years  gone from being in bed to normal life

NewKnees         1:13

Stem ——- knees.

6MoBloodPress      :37

Blood Pressure  Missed 6 months work

Chef                    4:44

Energy   better mood    joint pain    water

Update4week          2:29

psoriasis,   knee pain   bursitis in hip   leg cramp   3% gain workout


HipPainSkinEar          1:11

Stem ——- hip pain, skin, and ear problem

VocalRange          :39

Increase in vocal range

Eyebrows          :42

Stem ——- energy and better eyebrows

Thyroid           2:07

Uses Helix Water and Stem ——- thyroid, auto immune problem.

StrengthTraining          :56

 Stem ——- Better max workout 



NeuropathyBack           :53

Stem ——- In bed Neuropathy and Pain

CPandNeuropathyBack           :45

Stem ——- CP and Neuropathy and Hand Pain

80 Marian       1:46

Back Pain    —   No Braces, No Pain, More Energy

BloodPressureDown       1:08

Stem        Blood pressure dropped, energy improved

BoneOnBone       :57

Gel and Stem       Now running, no pain

BackPain       :36

Stem ——- Hair growth, 20 year back pain

Inflammation       :37      

Auto immune, migraine, pain

EyeShot       :50

Stem   —   No more shots

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