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Helix Gel™

Turn back the Hands of Time Today with Helix Gel™!

Helix Gel™

A key component of the Helix Transformation System, Helix Gel™ is a 100% natural premium quality topical gel designed to enhance the body’s own natural regenerative and restorative systems.

Helix Gel™ is carefully blended with all natural ingredients and essential oils to create an exclusively invigorating formula that delivers the latest in wellness technology!

Helix STEM™ – Informational Videos (short)

DrKochHGOverview          2:25

Dr Koch ——- powerful combination in HG Gel ——- pituitary gland ——- human growth hormone.

GelShoulderPain          2:26

HelixLife HG Gel ——- shoulder injury- pain

DrKochHGT          3:25

Brain fog, headaches,   energy. “What you have done here is nothing short of remarkable.”

HGDrKoch          2:44

Dr Koch just finished book on HGH.  Hormones keep us young. ——-  Helix HG Gel.

NoBraces          1:25

  neck pain.

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